Business Details


Solving the problem of information asymmetry between medical institutions and users Medical Platform Business


Medical Platform Business

Medical DOC オンライン診療

Providing a comfortable medical experience for patients by improving operational efficiency Smart Clinic Business


Smart Clinic Business

NOMOCa-Stand NOMOCa-Regi クリニックbot

Medical Platform Business


Medical DOC

Distributes articles introducing medical institutions, patient experience articles, treatment videos, and more
Published more than 6,000 medical-related articles


Online medical treatment and consultation service for users who wish to receive medical treatment at home or work without going to a hospital

We will deepen the understanding of health, illness, and treatment by providing information that the user wants to know accurately, easily and in a timely manner, from the information of the pharmaceutical and peripheral area and support patients to work positively for treatment and health promotion. To that end, we will take various measures such as providing updates on the latest medical trends and pharmaceutical information, striving to improve the amount and quality of data, and provide information through photos and videos so that anyone can easily understand.

Smart Clinic Business


We will identify the work to be done by people and the work to be automated, and create medical sites that improve convenience and comfort by making full use of digital technology such as AI, IoT and robotics. We aim to create unprecedented new value such as "0 reception" in addition to reservation systems and online diagnosis. If healthcare workers can focus on medical care, patients will also have peace of mind and satisfaction. We will create convenient and comfortable solutions to satisfy both medical staff and patients by carefully considering the needs of both parties.


Smart and simple automatic payment/reception machines

Allows patients to easily make their deposits NOMOCa-Stand has various functions that automate and streamline accounting operations, reducing the stressful waiting time for receptions and payments. At the same time, it contributes to solving the recruitment difficulties of hospitals which re facing shortage of human resources.


Self-payment machine dedicated to the clinic

NOMOCa-Regi links to digital medical records and medical accounting systems, which enables accurate and speedy cash transfers and check real-time balance histories and reduces the burden of closing cash registers, and helps prevent problems with cash.


Chatbot System

CLINIC Bot is a marketing system that allows you to communicate with patients directly using LINE application. The simple admin setting allows you to consistently manage automatic responses to inquiries, reservations, patients, message distributions and improves operational efficiency..



Monitors installation for waiting rooms at medical,
dental and osteopathic clinics

We provide monitors called “Sketch Piston – Playing Music” and “Blackboard where Dwarfs Live” that can be installed in the waiting rooms of medical, dental and osteopathic clinics with the cooperation of TeamLab. We wanted to make the waiting room experience a “place of co-creation” to nourish independent creativity. Both monitors allow players to create their own world. There are no clear goal like completing the game. The objective is to find the goal by themselves and create their own way of enjoying the game with the people around them. Simply place the touch panel on the wall to create a place for creative game and fun!

Monitors installation for waiting rooms at medical,
dental and osteopathic clinics

We provide monitors called “Sketch Piston – Playing Music” and “Blackboard where Dwarfs Live” that can be installed in the waiting rooms of medical, dental and osteopathic clinics with the cooperation of TeamLab. We wanted to make the waiting room experience a “place of co-creation” to nourish independent creativity. Both monitors allow players to create their own world. There are no clear goal like completing the game. The objective is to find the goal by themselves and create their own way of enjoying the game with the people around them. Simply place the touch panel on the wall to create a place for creative game and fun!

